Tired of going to the gym but not seeing the kind of results you wanted or expected?
If you’re a guy over the age of 30, and feel like you’ve tried everything to build some muscle and shed your stubborn body fat - we've got something just for you!
Hi, I'm Barry Vincent a senior Performance and Lifestyle Coach at ALP and I'm looking for 5 busy guys to take part in my 8-week Group Training Program starting October 21st and wrapping up just before Christmas so you can enjoy the holidays looking and feeling great!
If you’re growing frustrated with the lack of results you’re getting on your own, and are ready to start getting more from your time in the gym - this program is specifically for you.

I get it, having struggled with my weight for years when I was younger, and working with hundreds of clients over the last decade - I probably know more about what NOT to do than most!!!
I’ve tried all the “go-to” methods:
- Random workouts from magazines - “3 moves to add an inch to your arms”
- Showing up to the gym without a game plan - “Meh, I don’t feel like hitting legs.”
- Fad diets like intermittent fasting and keto that “guarantee” fast results if you’re just willing to deprive yourself of your livelihood for 60 days Some of it worked, but none of it worked long-term ... and long-term results are what matter most. Be honest with yourself, are you getting results that will last? Are you getting results at all? Are you happy with your results? Are you using your valuable time at the gym to actually train? Or are you just 'working out'? Because working out is easy, you just show up to the gym and hit the muscles that aren’t sore that day. You do the exercises you like best for the muscles you want to grow. Maybe you even have a split routine: Monday - Chest + Tris Tuesday - Back + Biceps Wednesday - MAYBE legs Etc… And you’ve probably been doing some version of this routine for as long as you can remember - and it probably worked when you started out. But, let me tell you a secret - everything works for awhile. And it’s been awhile, Man. It’s time you got more out of the time you invest in the gym, and yourself.
With two little boys at home, I’ve had to learn how to shorten up my gym time while continuing to get consistent results - and after hearing the feedback from some guys I shared this program to provide quality results with limited time, I knew more guys needed this solution!
Knowing how to get it done when you're tight on time, or what to focus on most when you just cant get every workout in, could be the difference in your ability to achieve long term results in the gym!
I would love the opportunity to teach you the methods, tips and tricks that have helped me and my clients change their lives over the years. Check out the info below on the upcoming program! PROGRAM DETAILS:
- Begins Monday October 21st 2019
- 8 weeks - 16 semi private training sessions (2x / week) - Mon / Thurs 8-9am
(Can't make this group time? Contact us for other potential times or if you have a group of 2-5 people you can create your own semi-private group)
- Customized workouts based on proven methods to build muscle and burn fat in the shortest time possible
- Individual tracking sheets to monitor progress and keep at the end of the program
- Online coaching and support including nutrition tips and habits to optimize results over both the short and long term.
- Detailed InBody body composition evaluation scans (pre and post) to see quantifiable results.
- Motivation and support from Coach Barry for every workout!
While private 1 on 1 personal training would cost around $2000 for this kind of program ...
our Semi-Private Training Cost is just $797 + hst for ALL 16 sessions AND EVERYTHING included above!
payment plan is available, contact us for full details
And here's a bonus offer - if you aren't local to Hamilton or cant join the morning group times, you can do an online only version at your own gym!!
Our 60 day online program is just $297+hst - you'll receive a digital copy of the workout programs including videos for each exercise. You'll also receive coaching and guidance from Coach Barry throughout the 60 days!! This online program begins the same date - October 21st 2019 and is something you'll be able to keep up with even after the program ends as the workouts are downloadable and yours forever.
If any of this hits home with you, and you want to sign up or find out more, please click here to get on the Pre-Sale List (the only way to ensure your spot in the Semi-Private Training Program). We'll send the details for registration for both the 8 week Semi-Private training program and the Online Only 8 Week Program!
Or if you have any questions please call us today 289-246-9000 or send an email info@alptraininginstitute.com and we'll be happy to clarify for you.
