We're super excited to announce our winners for our first ever transformation challenge that wrapped up on April 1st. We're so proud of all our participants, it sounds cliché but everyone is a winner in our books 👍👍 the hardest part of this challenge ... is picking a winner among all the amazing transformations!!! Here's our top 3 Finalists. First place goes to Brianna Cifoni who totally changed her outlook on health and fitness in just 3 months! She lost 12.5% body fat (lost 25.4lbs of fat and gained 8lbs of muscle). Second place goes to Sherrie Ward who kicked butt and lost 8.6% body fat (lost 14.3lbs of fat and gained 4.5lbs of muscle). Third place goes to Greg (@gregjuszczak), who lost a whopping 35.4lbs of weight getting well under that 200lb mark he wanted and lost 3.9% body fat (lost 14lbs of fat).

Congratulations to our top Finalists!! The next chapter of your health journey starts now!!!